Saturday, October 30, 2010

Please look at my new thingson

My ring intitled Wild and Crazy garnets was posted yesterday on Etsy treasury.That was really exiting to have someone recognize my work as a true piece of unusal art.Signed One of a Kind Jeweler
As of tommorrow my Daughter Natanya Elka will open her Etsy store.She is a closinne artist of the highest caliber. Her works are truly one of a kind.Please go to her shop and buy.A Proud Mom

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Daughter's Etsy store

My daughter Natanya Elka is a true artist. Her shop will open on Halloween. Her pieces are chokers or hairpieces. The closinne work is exquisite. Go to her blog to get a preview of her work NATANYA ELKA @ I got a new camera and still working with it got a couple good images and hope to get more. One of a Kind Jeweler